Compile Daily Entry Hours


The Compile Daily Entry Hours is a reporting option that allows users to view and to group the hours that are recorded in the Daily Entry option.

This report is designed to also compile the hours entered in the various dispatch options of maestro* and maestro*MOBILE, even if they are not yet saved in Daily Entry.






maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Daily Entry > Compile Daily Entry Hours

  1. On the Parameter Selection window, select the elements that will be used to generate the daily entry hours compilation report:

It is possible to compile hours using a committee and grouping selection instead of a selection of categories and groups. To do so, the Compile project hours using a selection of committees configuration must be checked in payroll Configuration, under the General section.



Used to


Select the committees for which we want to obtain the daily entry hours compilation. The All check box is used to select all committees at once.

The committee is linked to the work category, which is linked to the employee’s record.

NOTE: The Committee section appears only if the Compile project hours using a selection of committees box is checked in the configuration of the Payroll, General section.

Hours from selected committees

Helps prevent the hours already paid to employees who are in more than one committee from being transferred and compiled again.


Select the work category for which we want to obtain the daily entry hours compilation. The All check box is used to select all categories at once.

NOTE: The Category section appears only if the Compile project hours using a selection of committees box is not checked in the configuration of the Payroll, General section.

Date Range

Select the payroll’s date range for which we want to obtain the daily entry hours compilation.

Employee Range

Select the employee range for which we want to obtain the daily entry hours compilation.


Select the employee groupings for which we want to obtain the daily entry hours compilation. The All check box is used to select all groupings at once.

The grouping is documented in the Employee ID section of the Employee Management option.


Select the groups for which we want to obtain the daily entry hours compilation. The All check box is used to select all groups at once.

NOTE: The Group section appears only if the Compile project hours using a selection of committees box is not checked in the configuration of the Payroll, General section.

Printing Order

Sort the information on the report for printing.

Print employees without hours

When printing, includes the employees without hours for the selected period if the box is checked.


Select the status of the daily entry transactions to be included in the compilation.

NOTE: This field does not list statuses that indicate that the transaction is still in maestro*MOBILE.


Select the projects that should be included in the compilation.

Dispatch Type

Select the dispatch type.

Print Projects

Obtain information regarding projects and activities on which hours have been entered. The information is available on one or two lines.

Selection of hours

Obtain the hours of employees according to the expense company or the pay company defined in the employees file. Available in multidimensional mode only.

NOTE: Maestro* uses the prefix to compare and determine if the current company is compatible with the expense (or pay) company. If they are compatible, then the given employee is displayed on the report.

Name Format

Select the name format that will be used to display an employee’s first and last name in the report.

  1. Click Accept.

The hours are available for reporting as long as the cheques or pay slips have not been printed for the requested employees.

The hours are displayed by cheque. The ID column displays a 2 when a second cheque has been created for the employee.

A total is displayed at the end of the report to indicate the number of employees as well as the number of cheques to create.


See also


Last modification: September 19, 2024